Aşağıda Latince-İngilizce renk isimleri var. Genelde bitkileri tanımlamak için kullanılan sıfatlar. Gün gelir, işimize yarar :)

aeneus bronze, copper colored
aeruginosus bluish-green, like verdigris
albus white
albidus white
albicans whitish
amethystinus violet-colored
argenteus silvery
argyraeus silvery
atamasco stained or streaked with red
ater, atra, atrum black
atomarius speckled
atratus blackened
atropureus dark purple
atrosanguineus dark blood red
atroviolacens dark violet
atrovirens dark green
aurantiacus orange-red
aureolus golden
aureus gold
auricomus gold-haired
azureus azure, skyblue
bruneus deep brown
caeruleus cerulean, dark blue
caesius bluish grey, light grey
canarius canary yellow
candidus pure white, shining
canus off white, ash colored
cardinalis cardinal red
carminatus carmine red
carneus flesh colored
castaneus chestnut brown
cerasinus cherry red
cerinus wax colored, waxy
cervinus fawn colored
cheiri red flowered
chloranthus green flowered
chryseus golden yellow
chrysoleucus gold and white
chrystostomus golden mouthed
cineraceus ashy, covered with grey hair
cinereus ash grey
cinnabarinus cinnabar red, vermilion
cinnamomeus cinnamon brown
citrinus citron colored
coelestinus sky blue, celestial
coloratus colored
concolor uniformly colored
coracinus raven black
corallinus coral red
crocatus saffron yellow
croceus saffron yellow, yellow
cruentus bloody, blood red
cupreatus copper colored
cyaneus dark blue
cypreus copper-like
decolorans staining, losing color
dichrous two distinct colors
dilutus washed, thinned out
discolor two or more different colors
diversicolor diversely colored
ebenus ebony black
eburneus ivory white
erubescens blushing, turning red
erythraeus red
erythrocephalus red headed
estriatus beautiful green color
euchlorus well colored
euchromus rust colored
ferrugineus rust colored
festivus festive, bright
flammeus flame red
flavescens yellowish, pale yellow
flavidus yellow, yellowish
flavovirens greenish yellow, yellowgreen
flavus yellow
florealbo with white flowers
fucatus painted, dyed
fulgens shining, glistening
fulgidus shining, glistening
fulvidus slightly tawny
fulvus tawny, brownish orange to reddish brown
fumidus smoky grey
fuscus brown, dusky, swarthy
galanthus white colored, milky
galbinus yellowish green
griseus grey
guttatus spotted, speckled
haemanthus with blood red flowers
hibernus green in winter
holochrysus wholly golden
hyacinthinus deep purplish blue
hyalinus transparent, colorless
ictericus yellowed, jaundiced
ignescens fiery red
immaculatus spotless, unblemished
incanus light grey
incarnatus pink, flesh colored
isabellinus dirty yellow, tawny
inquinans blemished, dirty, polluted
laetesvirens bright or vivid green
laetus bright, vivid
lateritus dark brick red
leopardinus spotted like a leopard
leprosus spotted like a leper
leucanthus white flowers
leucophaeus dusky white
leucoxylon white wood
lilacinus lilac color
limpidus clear, transparent (often used to describe water)
lividus lead colored, bluish grey
lucidus glittering, shining, clear
maculatus spotted, blotched
malvinus mauve
margaritaceus pearl
melanocentris black at the center
mesoleucus with a white central stripe
micans sparkling, shiny, shining
miniatus cinnabar red, vermilion
niger, nigra, nigrum black
nitens, nitidus shiny, glossy, polished
nivalis, niveus white, snowy
ochraceus reddish yellow
ochroleucus yellowish white, buff
opacus dark, dull, shaded
palleus pale, sallow
palliflaveus pale yellow
pavoninus peacock blue
phaeus dusky, dark, brown
phoenicus Tyrian red, purple red
piceus dark as pitch, black
plumbeus lead colored
porphyreus purple
prasinus grass green
pullus dark, raven black
puniceus crimson
quadricolor four colors
ravus tawny grey
refulgens shining, reflecting light
rubens, ruber red
rubicundus, rubicund red
rufescens light red, almost red
rufus red, reddish
russatus reddish, russet
rutilans red, becoming red
sanguineus bloody, blood red
scariosus not green, shriveled
sempervirens evergreen, always green
senilis white haired
smaragdinus emerald
stramineus straw colored
subcaerulus slightly blue
sulphureus sulfur colored
testaceus light brown, brick colored
tinctus dyed
tricolor three colored
unicolor one colored
versicolor variously colored
vernus of spring, therefore green
violaceus violet
violacens light violet
virens green
virescens light green
viridescens pale green
viridifuscus green brown
viridis green
viridulus greenish
vittigera striped
xanthinus yellow
zebrinus zebra striped

Gardener’s Latin: A Lexicon, Bill Neal, p Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, NC, 1992.